The Migration of the CaribouCaribou HuntingTuktuk

Planes and Floatplanes

Voyage Nouveau Quebec
That's how everything starts. The plane leaves Montreal and arrives a couple of hours later in Schefferville
Floatplane Base Squaw Lake - Schefferville
It is the door the the arctic and to caribou country. Floatplane base at Squaw Lake
Otter, Beaver and Cessna 185
Otter Floatplane The Famous Otter
A new bunch of hunters are leaving the base.
The trustful Otter floatplane carries 6 hunters and their hunting gear for up to 200 miles inland at 110 miles per hour, rain or shine.
The Arctic The Canadian Arctic
Here it is! This is the Land of Tuktuk, the caribou, a wilderness area of boreal forest, swamps, rugged mountain ranges, and millions of lake and rivers
The pilot The Pilot
Next to the caribou, they are the most wanted in the great arctic, weaCOLOR="#00003C"ther you want to fly in to camp or leave camp after the hunt is over.
Plane loaded with antlers Flying Back Home
The Otter floatplane is loaded with happy hunters, meat boxes and many antlers

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Caribou Hunting

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